National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws

National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
сокр. NCCUSL юр., амер. Национальная конференция уполномоченных по унификации законодательства штатов (учреждена в 1892 г. с целью сблизить и даже унифицировать законодательство штатов, т. е. кодифицировать некодифицированную систему права США; представляет собой отчасти государственный орган, отчасти общественную организацию; предложения Конференции могут быть приняты только на добровольной основе, если легислатуры всех или хотя бы большинства штатов последуют согласованному образцу; непосредственную постоянную работу по подготовке проектов унифицированных актов ведут комиссии специалистов по соответствующей отрасли права (их резиденция — Чикагский университет), а уполномоченные, назначаемые губернаторами штатов, собираются на конференцию, как правило, раз в год; из почти 200 предложенных Конференцией проектов одобрение получили менее 20; в основном они относятся к сфере торгового права, важнейший среди них — Единообразный торговый кодекс)
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, Uniform Law Commissioners

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Смотреть что такое "National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws" в других словарях:

  • National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws — Logo of the Uniform Law Commission, formally known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) is a non profit, unincorporated association commonly… …   Wikipedia

  • uniform laws — n. Compilations of laws that address various subject areas and attempt to make the law in those areas uniform, such as the Uniform Commercial Code, Uniform Consumer Credit Code, and Uniform Transfers to Minors Act; also called uniform acts. The… …   Law dictionary

  • Uniform Prudent Investor Act — (UPIA), which was adopted in 1992 by the American Law Institute s Third Restatement of the Law of Trusts ( Restatement of Trust 3d ), reflects a modern portfolio theory and total return approach to the exercise of fiduciary investment discretion …   Wikipedia

  • uniform act — uni·form act n: an act (as the Uniform Commercial Code) sponsored by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws that is intended to be enacted by each individual state with or without changes Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of… …   Law dictionary

  • Uniform Trade Secrets Act — (UTSA) USA A model law drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws that codifies the basic principles of common law trade secret protection. The UTSA (in modified or unmodified form) has been enacted by 46 states… …   Law dictionary

  • Uniform Adoption Act — The Uniform Adoption Act (1994) is a model law proposed by the NationalConference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. It attempts to be acomprehensive and uniform state adoption code that: (1) is consistent withrelevant federal constitutional …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Electronic Transactions Act — The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act ( UETA ) is one of the several United States Uniform Acts proposed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL). Since then 46 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act — The Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act concerns interstate cooperation in the collection of spousal and child support. It lays out the procedure for enforcement in cases in which the person owing alimony or child support is in one… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Securities Act — The Uniform Securities Act (USA) is a model statute designed to guide each state in drafting its state securities law. It was created by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL).The purpose of the Uniform Securities …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Environmental Covenants Act — In United States law, a Uniform Environmental Covenants Act (UECA) is a proposed set of state laws drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) intended to provide clear rules for perpetual real estate… …   Wikipedia

  • Uniform Commercial Code — The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC or the Code) is one of a number of uniform acts that have been promulgated in conjunction with efforts to harmonize the law of sales and other commercial transactions in all 50 states within the United States of… …   Wikipedia

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